Roughly in line with your own thinking are a group of mds and phds on utube who make a strong case for a diet consisting exclusively of animal foods. They point out that our digestive systems are designed to metabolize protein and fat. We can't break down plant fiber. And not only are carbohydrates unnecessary, they break down into sugars and cause insulin spikes and food cravings.
Plant foods contain a host of poisons as a defense against being eaten. Their poisons are responsible for the increase in metabolic diseases. The nutritional density of plants is inferior to animals. And the quantity of toxins is many orders of magnitude greater than what's added by humans.
You can find them on Utube as Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Anthony Chafee, Dr. Bart Kay, Ken Berry Md and Dr. Paul Mason. They don't agree with you about the need for raw meat, but it's not enough to dismiss the value of going all carnivore.
Yes, there are other things besides eating that determine health. However, eating is the most important outside of environmental pollution.
And no, we cannot break down plant fiber well. 60% of plant fiber is indigestible. Compare that to meat, which is 100% digestible in humans, especially if that meat is eaten raw. Nuts and seeds are relatively indigestible for humans unless ground to a fine powder and mixed with raw honey to neutralize phytic acid. However, nuts and seeds do have their purpose in the diet, such as being good forms of starch and nut fats.
You personally cannot break down plant fiber better than anyone else. Humans do not possess a digestive tract that is capable of digesting and assimilating most nutrients or fats from vegetable matter. If those vegetables are juiced, then certainly, one can. We are not cows and thus do not have 5 stomachs to digest our vegetable matter.
The human body is designed, objectively, to be a meat eater. Without meat, fat, and protein, the body degenerates. This is an objective fact. It is also a fact that those who become vegetarian may take years to degenerate into poor health, then it will be too late. Some people react much more swiftly to after they become vegetarian and only last a couple of years before they must begin to eat meat again.
You are free to eat whichever way you like. However, I promote a natural raw diet that is optimal for the human body and is based on what the body actually needs to live disease free.
My simple thought about foods: Since God created our bodies and the plants and animals for our diets, all is basically for our consumption. It may do people well to rotate veggies, get diversity, and sometimes eat raw and at other times lightly cook (steam), just mix it up..and all in moderation. 😊
That's far too broad though. That's what leads to poorly thought-out diets that cause problems for people. The diet requirements also change depending on the state of health of an individual. Someone in disease will require far more fat and protein than someone who is healthier.
If you told a cancer patient to become vegetarian, they would very likely die a grueling death from cancer because there is hardly any value in whole vegetables for reversing and stopping cancer. That is because vegetables cannot serve cells the fats and proteins to regrow tissue and bind with toxicity in order to stop cancer growth and reverse it.
If, however, you were to advise that patient to consume raw meat along with raw green vegetable juices, combined with lymphatic hot baths, their chance of recovery is increased upwards of 95%.
If you study tribal groups, which lived disease free for millennia, you will find that they only chewed vegetables to extract the juice, then spit out the pulp. Most tribes, including the Alaskan Inuit, the African Fulani, and the Samburu tribe, all ate/eat raw meat. The Alaskan Inuit consume/consumed raw whale blubber (fat). Their babies were/are so healthy they can play on the ice naked. They have no dental degeneration nor disease. Raw animal fat is the answer to ALL human disease.
Cooking vegetables creates enzyme mutations that cause disease and crystallization/resin accumulations in the body. Cooking vegetables is certainly not the natural diet of man. Cooking foods, especially frying, creates acrylamides and chemical byproducts from the heating process, all of which cause cancer, among other things. Therefore, one can safely say that frying food is not close to ideal for the body either. Then, there is the problem of vegetable fats, which the human body cannot keep liquid over time due to the human body temperature being around 98.6 F. This is no issue for herbivores, like cows, because their body temperatures are upwards of 101 to 102 F. In the human body, vegetable oils, especially those that have been cooked, harden into rock-like resins, thereby leading to arterial plague, leading to heart disease.
The natural diet of man is not exactly "Eat whatever you desire!"
What is the first thing a child craves if given the choice between a piece of cake, or a piece of meat? Usually something sweet. This is one reason why we have so much obesity, and anxious, overly emotional and erratic people. People have been trained to unnaturally desire an overabundance of sweet foods, which is not natural to the human body. Therefore, the body and mind must be retrained into a more natural state of balance. To know how to balance the body, one must observe closely the effects of food combinations.
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Roughly in line with your own thinking are a group of mds and phds on utube who make a strong case for a diet consisting exclusively of animal foods. They point out that our digestive systems are designed to metabolize protein and fat. We can't break down plant fiber. And not only are carbohydrates unnecessary, they break down into sugars and cause insulin spikes and food cravings.
Plant foods contain a host of poisons as a defense against being eaten. Their poisons are responsible for the increase in metabolic diseases. The nutritional density of plants is inferior to animals. And the quantity of toxins is many orders of magnitude greater than what's added by humans.
You can find them on Utube as Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Anthony Chafee, Dr. Bart Kay, Ken Berry Md and Dr. Paul Mason. They don't agree with you about the need for raw meat, but it's not enough to dismiss the value of going all carnivore.
Yes, there are other things besides eating that determine health. However, eating is the most important outside of environmental pollution.
And no, we cannot break down plant fiber well. 60% of plant fiber is indigestible. Compare that to meat, which is 100% digestible in humans, especially if that meat is eaten raw. Nuts and seeds are relatively indigestible for humans unless ground to a fine powder and mixed with raw honey to neutralize phytic acid. However, nuts and seeds do have their purpose in the diet, such as being good forms of starch and nut fats.
You personally cannot break down plant fiber better than anyone else. Humans do not possess a digestive tract that is capable of digesting and assimilating most nutrients or fats from vegetable matter. If those vegetables are juiced, then certainly, one can. We are not cows and thus do not have 5 stomachs to digest our vegetable matter.
The human body is designed, objectively, to be a meat eater. Without meat, fat, and protein, the body degenerates. This is an objective fact. It is also a fact that those who become vegetarian may take years to degenerate into poor health, then it will be too late. Some people react much more swiftly to after they become vegetarian and only last a couple of years before they must begin to eat meat again.
You are free to eat whichever way you like. However, I promote a natural raw diet that is optimal for the human body and is based on what the body actually needs to live disease free.
My simple thought about foods: Since God created our bodies and the plants and animals for our diets, all is basically for our consumption. It may do people well to rotate veggies, get diversity, and sometimes eat raw and at other times lightly cook (steam), just mix it up..and all in moderation. 😊
That's far too broad though. That's what leads to poorly thought-out diets that cause problems for people. The diet requirements also change depending on the state of health of an individual. Someone in disease will require far more fat and protein than someone who is healthier.
If you told a cancer patient to become vegetarian, they would very likely die a grueling death from cancer because there is hardly any value in whole vegetables for reversing and stopping cancer. That is because vegetables cannot serve cells the fats and proteins to regrow tissue and bind with toxicity in order to stop cancer growth and reverse it.
If, however, you were to advise that patient to consume raw meat along with raw green vegetable juices, combined with lymphatic hot baths, their chance of recovery is increased upwards of 95%.
If you study tribal groups, which lived disease free for millennia, you will find that they only chewed vegetables to extract the juice, then spit out the pulp. Most tribes, including the Alaskan Inuit, the African Fulani, and the Samburu tribe, all ate/eat raw meat. The Alaskan Inuit consume/consumed raw whale blubber (fat). Their babies were/are so healthy they can play on the ice naked. They have no dental degeneration nor disease. Raw animal fat is the answer to ALL human disease.
Cooking vegetables creates enzyme mutations that cause disease and crystallization/resin accumulations in the body. Cooking vegetables is certainly not the natural diet of man. Cooking foods, especially frying, creates acrylamides and chemical byproducts from the heating process, all of which cause cancer, among other things. Therefore, one can safely say that frying food is not close to ideal for the body either. Then, there is the problem of vegetable fats, which the human body cannot keep liquid over time due to the human body temperature being around 98.6 F. This is no issue for herbivores, like cows, because their body temperatures are upwards of 101 to 102 F. In the human body, vegetable oils, especially those that have been cooked, harden into rock-like resins, thereby leading to arterial plague, leading to heart disease.
The natural diet of man is not exactly "Eat whatever you desire!"
What is the first thing a child craves if given the choice between a piece of cake, or a piece of meat? Usually something sweet. This is one reason why we have so much obesity, and anxious, overly emotional and erratic people. People have been trained to unnaturally desire an overabundance of sweet foods, which is not natural to the human body. Therefore, the body and mind must be retrained into a more natural state of balance. To know how to balance the body, one must observe closely the effects of food combinations.