You mentioned chemtrails killing us and modifying the weather intentionally as one of the proveably false topics. Do you mean there is evidence they don't cause harm to us and that they are not meant to modify the weather, or simply that chemtrails are actually contrails?

It's very difficult for me to see the once blue skies littered with wispy remnants of plane discharge and not think it's causing harm in some way.

The less I have to concern myself with, the better.

Thank you.

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I meant that chemtrails are actually normal contrails made up of steam, ice crystals. Not intentionally sprayed chemicals to harm us or modify the weather.

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deletedOct 8
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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Author

Contrails have existed since the first airplane flew the skies. The same principles exist on the ground in the form of steam during a cold day. It is the exact same principle. Yes, under certain conditions, these contrails can persist and spread out, forming larger cloud formations, known as contrail cirrus. And yes, this may change the Earth's climate over time. Over time, increased cloud cover from contrails may contribute to changes in the Earth's energy balance. However, this is completely different than claiming evil doers are spraying everyone with chemicals intentionally. It is merely the water vapor from jet fuel combustion that condenses into steam and then freezes into ice crystals. Yes, jet fuel does contain things like heavy metals and other byproducts, which may also have an effect. But again, this is entirely different than intent to harm, which is what the theory claims.

Everything chemtrail believers claim to see in chemtrail behavior, is the exact same behavior that takes place in normal contrails—no difference.

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I would think that unless you are following each aircraft and testing their output, there is no way to make that statement. As for climate change, there is no proof that carbon is the cause which is what they want us to believe so, as you point out, charlatans can enrich themselves by selling carbon credits, limiting our ability to travel, giving us 15 minute cities, selling us all unreliable, expensive, "green energy". Water vapor is one of the greatest greenhouse gases and we experienced a massive underwater volcano called Hunga Tonga in 2022 that put enough water into the atmosphere to effect the climate for years.

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