I received a private email concerning my last article about No-Virus tanking. This reader appears to have taken umbrage with my tact in dealing with people who have no regard to truth.
Mary writes,
You are not helping to end this world take over by attacking people who are working against the evil psychopaths. You are helping to confuse. Your article on viruses is the best explanation I have found but I will not pass it on because the rest of what you say and content on your website is confusing to most people. Maybe others should have said that viruses do exist but do not conform to the taught version as most people understand.
Yes, maybe they should have said that viruses do exist because, after all, they do. But they didn’t say that. This leads to a bigger picture point, which is that such people are not, and have never been, interested in actual truths. They are trying to twist reality to fit their own belief system and their grift. That is not what true science is about at all. I get emails like this all the time. They are from people who are heavily into the most radical and unhinged conspiracies, with little rational or balanced thought. Most such people may not even be aware of their own inability to recognize blatant falsehoods.
I don’t think I am confusing people at all. First, I have a low readership, for the most part, and I am a small-time writer with only a handful of dedicated readers. I do not sell services or products, except for my book and my Substack subscription for those who like more in-depth articles. It takes a lot of time and effort to do it right. Unlike many others in the conspiracy movement, I spend a vast amount of time laboring over every detail of what I write to ensure the information reflects the truth as it is—not as I wish or want it to be. If I make an error, I attempt to correct it. I am more dedicated to this approach now than ever before, as I see how human perception can be in error, even my own. That is why I take a balanced approach to science and information—one that is rooted in real, tangible, provable or likely science.
The amount of disinformation and misinformation out there is staggering. This is especially true in the alt-right media, where every conspiracy imaginable is pushed out and represented as truth. I will not do that. If I make a mistake, I correct it as best I can. I rarely see this trait in alt-right media. I take pride in my work, and I believe others should too, but many do not. They push out every thought and publish whatever comes to mind without a second thought.
Back to the reader’s comments: The so-called world takeover, which took me a few years to realize, is actually being brought about by the very side you think is fighting on your behalf. It is human nature, culminating one huge grift of power and money. Not evil demons. In my recent articles on Trump, I demonstrated to myself that many people invested in a single person lose all semblance of rationality when faced with criticism of someone they believe represents them and their belief system. Therefore, it becomes a personal attack on the individual. This is why many people on the far-right adhere to farfetched and false conspiracy theories with no evidence. The 'evidence' they claim is not true evidence that can be supported. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, those same individuals cling to their false notions. I have seen it time and time again in the same types of people. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
The fact is this: Evidentiary fact is not mere opinion. For example, if I claim that Trump is a liar, that is not my opinion. It is demonstrated through decades of public record. If I state that viruses exist, it is not merely my opinion. It is supported by nearly a century or more of solid, verifiable science. Remove the virus, and all other components in the chain-link of biology—including enzymes, proteins, and cellular processes—crumble. It would be like claiming that bacteria don’t exist—remove the bacteria, and we ourselves would not exist.
These are not opinions: These are objective facts.
What the reader really wants is for me to be on board with everything the alt-right media proclaims as truth, or they won’t consider what I write or say.
That is: climate change is a hoax, Trump is our savior, COVID vaccines are killing millions and millions of people, vaccine shedding is real, snake venom is in the water, nanobots exist in vaccines, the Earth is flat, DNA doesn’t exist, and chemtrails are killing us and modifying the weather intentionally. I could go on. Pick your flavor of the month, because it changes nearly that often. New drama unfolds, new arguments are made.
But there is one problem: 99% of it is provably false—untrue theories and statements. These are not things that can be debated—they are simply objectively false. Those who make up the claims cash in, and the rest trot around like chickens with their heads cut off, thinking they are “saving the world.” But in reality, all they’re doing is arguing about something that doesn’t exist, losing interest, and moving on to the next shiny toy the following month, as if the last one never happened. Rinse and repeat. That is exactly what those in alt-right media do on a daily basis, and you’re no better off in the end.
Now I ask: Who is confusing who? Me, or these people peddling outright disinformation and getting people to believe it?
Jeff Green
Thank you for your response Jeff.
I've discussed this issue with a pilot a while back and he validates what you(Jeff) are saying. He mentioned the weight of the aircraft is precise and if they were adding mechanisms for the purpose of spraying, or any other reason, the pilot would know.
Vivek Ramaswamy wrote about climate change in one of his books, noting that man is partially responsible for increased CO2 levels. But he also explains that there are both positive and negative effects on the environment and the planet.
On a related topic, geo-engineering. This is real? Do we know enough about this? Is there evidentiary information available to validate or dismiss geo-engineering is being executed?
Thanks again.
You mentioned chemtrails killing us and modifying the weather intentionally as one of the proveably false topics. Do you mean there is evidence they don't cause harm to us and that they are not meant to modify the weather, or simply that chemtrails are actually contrails?
It's very difficult for me to see the once blue skies littered with wispy remnants of plane discharge and not think it's causing harm in some way.
The less I have to concern myself with, the better.
Thank you.