What separates the wheat from the chaff is the understanding that the mind is inferior to the body.

Here’s a kicker for you: the body doesn’t know what Vitamin A, sulfur, enzyme B, protein GF23 or albumin are. These are merely names invented by the mind in order to explain things to each other. It’s the human mind that dissects the whole to a myriad of separate parts, giving them names and arranging them in datasets, from which it then imposes on the body as formulas.

This approach is then extended outward as the vanity of modern consciousness to assume it can instill a linear pattern on society from the top down, and that everything will align to the T in turn. But on the way to get there creates further instability and sickness (i.e. Covid, climate change). The “cherry on top” is the insanity of doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

This brings forth the modern mentality of “mind diet” in which the body is subjected to theoretical impositions: counting calories, measuring vitamin intake, fats, carbs, proteins and so on, which deepens the dis-connect from one’s body.

In reality, no two bodies are alike. Raw eggs, meat and milk may indeed be superb for Jane but incompatible to John. Cooked eggs, meat and milk may be terrible for Mark but superb for Bob. Which one is the right approach?! All of them. To the mind that siphons reality through a mutual exclusive filter, however, this is considered an abomination.

In other words, many of your assertions are correct and indeed beneficial, but they can never be a ‘one size fits all’. The stubbornness to insist they are, shows rigidity of mind and lack of humility.

I have great respect for Aajonus Volderplanitz; his work and contribution. I may not agree with everything he entertains, but that is of no importance. It’s his approach and attitude in being open and accepting to deviations that renders him a healer.

It is clear to me that the only sensible way forward, that is of true value, is a customized approach. Any health practitioner, wellness guru and whatnot can no longer rely on giving two bodies the same regimen. Rather, a customized approach based on one’s differentiation, incorporating diet, environment and decision-making as a unified trinity, for in truth they are not separate as the mind likes to believe.

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To speak of the complexity of "the" human body is really not accurate, because we are not genetically similar as each tribal/ethnic group used to be when living isolated from other tribal/ethnic groups. So, let's make a long story short: I think you are both correct and that is due to so much admixture brought about by migration and intermixing, even within racial groups.

You may be right, though, Jeff, as regards bad symptoms being caused by detoxification in some cases. It can be a most confusing and frustrating journey largely caused by inability to interpret symptoms; and by the time we've got it figured out - then next thing you know, your Time has arrived. I tend to think that trying to fulfill ourselves through following some dream or other will ultimately be the most important factor in good health.

I'd like to support you but everyone (not excluding me) always has an excuse; it's called money.

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