Keep them coming Jeff g! Nutrition and anything relative to the age of deception is fantastic. You’ve struck a nerve but must now dig in. History will judge us for which direction we choose to go, for there is no magic bullet solution. Just arrows to the sun!! Looking forward to your next post.

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Thank you Jeff g.

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Most people as far as I can tell are not denying the ghastly problem of pollution in all its varieties. What the right wingers (as you call them) are griping about is that it is being used as an excuse to turn the world upside down socially, politically, culturally, without any regard for the massive suffering it will cause - suffering even worse than what is caused by pollution itself.

All problems in this world have more than one possible solution. All of them need to be considered where pollution is concerned. PS. I wouldn't even dare to list them here.

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While I completely agree with your stance on pollution, I find it difficult to accept that our exhalation of carbon dioxide (which all plant life requires to thrive) is responsible for this pollution.

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I hope you are leaning towards support for nuclear energy. Because there is no other viable alternative to hydrocarbon fuels. (the idea that gas, oil and coal come from fossils is doubtful.}

You ask, "what is humanity's breaking point? Cold! In geological time, earth is at the end of a 12,000 warming cycle and getting colder. Ice ages last about 100,000 years.

Pollution has roots in government. Private property owners have the incentive to sue polluters. The environmental movement took away those rights. Regulators are commonly bought off by the polluters.

Whenever you find yourself thinking government is the solution, it' s time to do some serious reflection. If you dig deep enough, you'll find it's the problem. If you want to see some bad pollution, look at China where citizens have no property rights.

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Most of the ones I know on the right think global warming is a scam because the powers that be use it as a tool to control, to make money and maintain power. The unaccountable bureaucracy in place is out of control and answers to no one but make illegall laws. The layers of bullshit to go through is as high as Mount Everest to straighten it out. Layers and layers of BS. At the bottom if they would just have done nothing, yes some people would have problems and some may have died. But as unintended consequences from all the BS levels more have died, more have been enslaved and more have lost freedoms under the guise of the greater good for the greater number BS concept. BS everywhere! Trump gets rid of some of the endless regulations and the people get more freedom, but some folks do not like it or probably do not understand. It is a subtle principle to get! Mankind has trouble with suffering to maintain freedom. Instead let’s not suffer but become more enslaved. Most people choose security over freedom. That’s what happened in the covid debacle! We are a weak country because of it, and tend to think we are a good target now for our enemies.

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What’s this BS coming down the pipeline at us? The invisible enemy that last forevermore. What a convenient formula to fill in when need be. Is this predictive programming?

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"Pollution" is too broad a term. There are so many forms.

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