Hi Jeff,

The amount of gargantuan, gigantic, disproportionate, dis-informative, deceptive and completely erroneous lies, fear and panic is inconceivable, unimaginable, incredible and plain bullshit.

Don't give up writing the truth Jeff, the masses of peoples will awaken to this madness. Lies and propaganda, false flags, manufacturing deceit will not last generations anymore. There's no faith, there's no hope, all that is bullshit. There's only truth telling. And truth doesn't sell, doesn't profit, doesn't enrich. The peoples of the world have the Internet to search for the truth.

From the Military Industrial Complex, to the Medical Industrial Complex manufacturing jobs to kill each other. Death Inc, they're selling death to people who are afraid, who are hungry who don't know how their bodies function with the sun, planets, nature, energy. Anyway, keep spreading the word thru your videos and your articles. I will follow along Jeff, In solidarity!

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Beautiful! I will admit, sometimes the world’s ways creep back in and pull me away from the truth…. I pray the real truth gets out there soon! Thank you, Jeff for being such a warrior for truth.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

Reminds me of a video of Kary Mullis sharing his frustrations with Gary Null. His own mother wouldn't believe him on matters related to his professional career. She would argue that if everyone believes it, then it must be true. I find too that when I try to correct bad thinking as diplomatically as I can, they still take my reasoning as a personal attack. They have no concept of logical reasoning.

Aside from writing and speaking up when there are opportunities, the best we can do is stay out of the way of way and let matters take their course. This is Nature's way of strengthening the herd.

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Hi Jeff, I started listening to and reading your stuff in January this year. It’s all absolutely freeing!! So many things make sense - this was like the last piece in the mystery and it clicked into place perfectly. Myself and my family have been de poisoning ourselves from Vitamin A since November last year, thanks to the genius scientific work of Grant Genereux. I think your work and Grant’s work go hand in hand. He has one half and you have the other. Of course their may be more things to uncover… Garret Smith is also a great detective and has bounced off the work of Grant Genereux and is working with many people and experiencing the complexities of de poisoning.

Grant’s ebooks are free: https://ggenereux.blog/

Garret Smith’s website has a membership cost but it’s worth it: https://nutritiondetective.com/

I get nothing for sharing this. Just wanted to share because I LOVE what you’re writing. I won’t follow your diet because I think you’re in your 30’s and your liver is probably huge and functioning optimally right now. I’m 46 and got arthritis for the first time end of last year. The Holy Spirit whispered Grant Genereux in my ear while I was washing the dishes (Nov 2021). Then, because I understood the nature of the liver and poison, I have understood your work.

Seriously, well done!!!! You have worked hard and continue to do so. I’m very proud to call myself a citizen in the Kingdom alongside you! God has the most amazing people with Him!!

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