great article. thank-you. more for me to read. got a reference to you from comment on mercola.

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When I hear the word virus, I no longer fear, and am glad that our cells make our own viruses as backup to dissolve toxins. I also no longer fear the illusion that has been created equating our viruses with pathogenicity.

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Great article Jeff. Thanks. Came across your substack tonight and am catching up with your writing.

I've examined many of the claims of the no-virus camp. Before that I was certainly nauseatingly familiar with the pro-virus pathology camp. My intuitive sense keeps telling me that there is much more to this... The world of the ultra-tiny is incredibly difficult to decipher.

This article not only helps put some of my questions into a more refined perspective, but also, of course, brings up more questions. The enzymatic aspect of viral glycoproteins seems obvious... once it is actually seen. Duh!

I wrote a reply here a little earlier tonight: https://jeffgreenhealth.substack.com/p/disproving-a-popular-no-virus-arguing/comments

Your comments in this article are stimulating a broader visual concept than I had previously. Thanks again for your research and your points of view.

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Jeff. I am not sending this to dispute what you have pointed out. I was just wondering if you have seen this (and other such videos made by this same individual). It's presented in a very entertaining manner. But I was wondering if you could/would dispute any of the main points he is trying to make (in as simple language as possible). At the end, he cites a "study" that was conducted many decades ago where they fed (through many different, invasive means) "contaminant material" from sick people to perfectly healthy people and supposedly, "could not make even 1 person sick."


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Hi Peter, no problem. I am aware of that video. The maker of it actually lifted a screenshot from my Viral Misconceptions presentation I did in April of 2020. Many of the information there is twisted in various ways and reduced to entertainment. There were quite a few instances of that happening to me in early 2020 after I released that presentation.

The study referenced is in fact true. I wrote about it here: https://virusesarenotcontagious.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SHINE-A-LIGHT-Newsletter-3-PDF.pdf

The study can be found here (look under section 'Epidemiological Studies'): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2862332/

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Hi again Jeff. So, I read these two articles. First, let me see if I can understand you.

First.....You DO believe in viruses. But you DON'T believe they are contagious nor cause disease/illness or any kind. Is that correct? So, if that is the case, what purpose do they serve? Are they detrimental in ANY way?? Are they just as “innocuous” as simple “cellular debris?”

Second.....Regarding that study with the military on Angel Island........Now, granted, I am no doctor nor virologist nor "scientist" (in the classic definition) or specialist in any field of biology, by any means. But from the little I DO know, there COULD BE a plausible explanation for the fact that none of them got sick. Is there any record as to WHAT POINT IN TIME did these tests occur, relative to when the sick individuals were first diagnosed? I ask because there is a "popular belief" (I don't know if you agree or not) that most viruses start with an "incubation period" during which they are considered "most contagious." As you probably well know, this period is said to last from about 5-7 days. After which time, regardless of the severity of the symptoms of the individual, they is no longer considered "contagious." I contend that there is a distinct possibility that the "sick" individuals, were passed this point of incubation and therefore were no longer contagious, anyway. This entire test, I would gather took some time to complete — way passed this “incubation period.” Of course, there is no way to confirm any this. However, as you probably, well know, when the "unexplainable" occurs, you cannot rule out distinct, probable (or even just plain, “possible”) factors. Just throwing this out for your consideration.

So, the question I’m sure you’ve gotten a zillion times………..How do you explain a family living together, when one member gets sick, another gets sick shortly thereafter? Of course, it doesn’t happen every time. I’ve heard of stories where a spouse got Covid and did NOTHING to isolate from their spouse — even kept sleeping in the same bed, and the other spouse never got sick. I attribute that (in my non-“certified” education) to an extra-ordinary immune system. Put very simply, WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT.

Btw, speaking of Covid, do you believe in Covid? Do you believe it is transmitted in any way? What do you believe happened in 2019-2021 with all those “waves” of Covid that (alleged) occurred?

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Hi again, Peter, my website is www.virusesarenotcontagious.com. I have lots of newsletters and articles there that answer your basic questions. My book is also available for purchase on my homepage. Consider purchasing it, as it answers your questions in great depth. Pertaining to your last questions about contagiousness, I can direct you to my last article about my grandpa here on Substack.

To expound on some of your questions: It is true that we are all different—this much is certain. However, the biochemical nature of the body tells us that disease and its modes of detoxification are what bring about the manifestation of viral or bacterial illness in order to cleanse the organism, among other types of illness. All detoxification occurs cellularly, and its origin point occurs directly from the living cell; all authority comes from the cell and its living intracellular components. Just as a human must first have an intelligent thought, then make an action. Likewise, an animal cell is a human on the micro-scale and behaves in a similar manner.

Viruses are specific solvent enzymes and operate via mRNA/DNA communication modes. Each cell in the body, and each cell's family line, all of which branch off from a main type of cell, all produce their own individually tailored solvent enzymes to help cells and their tissues cleanse and maintain homeostasis. For example, liver cells, such as hepatocytes, are merely one line of cells in the liver. For each organ, there exists many cells, such as muscle cells, organ cells, and so forth. Each cell that is nucleated (able to produce proteins) is able to synthesize specialized enzyme solvents, therefore, many types of viruses can be produced by the body.

These have been known as viruses—a highly misunderstood function of living organisms. They are beneficial to all living organisms in order to maintain homeostasis in the presence of inorganic and non-water-soluble toxicity. They are not poisons—they are chemical structures that break apart bonds. Without these enzymes, organisms could not function for long in their environment and the toxins that may arise in it.

Normally, the lymphatic system and its constituents are responsible for removing toxicity. However, when toxins are non-bio-organic, the body cannot break down such toxins through its normal modes of detoxification via living agents. Thus, non-living enzyme solvents must be constructed to accommodate living cells.

Viruses dissolve (via enzymatic hydrolysis) and dilute (via water molecules, which break structural bonds). White blood corpuscles engulf and highly neutralize volatile toxins that are broken down by enzymes, like virus, and carry them out of the body safely without severely harming internal tissues (in most cases). In many cases, mucus is used to facilitate this. Toxins are engulfed and neutralized by white cells. Those cells eventually die and are then bound into mucus, which is predominantly water with a fat lipid core that contains a weave-like pattern.

Viruses, among bacteria, parasites, and fungi, will manifest in accordance with both climate and bodily conditions. Humidity, barometric pressure, and temperature, all play a role in their appearance, just as trees blossom in accordance with seasonal changes, so too does the body function. Cellular detoxification pathways open, and cells dump toxins, when external (climate) and internal factors (condition of the tissue) coalesce.

This accounts for the illusion of contagiousness in a group or population and briefly answers your question pertaining to the matter.

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Hello again Jeff,

First, I would definitely buy your book. Unfortunately, I cannot read whole books due to a physical issue with my eyes. I can only read short passages. So, unless your book may be available in audio form, I’m afraid I will have to pass on that.

Second, I appreciate your explanation. Unfortunately, due to my uneducation in this area, it was difficult to follow everything you said.

If you will allow me……Let me tell you my little Covid story………

Last spring,I went to Israel. This was about the “gazillionth” time for me, as I have been going to Israel, an average of about every 2-3 years since age 9! I will be 57 next month. My lifestyle there, socially is far different than it is here. The people I am surrounded by, there far exceeds any social setting I have here in this country. I have been in Israel through all kinds of eras since the mid 70’s! I go villages, major cities, deserts, and I get transported by my friends there and through public transportation — all types of surroundings, and this trip was no different.

**Note: I have not had 1 single “Covid shot.” Since the beginning of the “pandemic,” I have been maintaining my health through a “reasonably healthy” diet, exercise (3-4 times per week), daily vitamins and supplements including Zinc, Quercetin, D3, C, B complex, Fish Oil and Turmeric. I am 5’9” and try to keep my weight under 160. I have never smoked, and it’s literally been DECADES since I had any drink with alcohol in it (not that I was ever a “drinker” to begin with). So, that is how I take care of myself.

I was in Israel for almost 3 weeks. Then, one evening (just a few days before I was SUPPOSED to come back home), I felt woozy, dizzy, “feverish” and had a tinnitus. I knew right then and there……It FINALLY got me (first “infection” since the start of the pandemic)! So, I did a couple of home antigens tests — positive! (*Note......I took a big supply of home antigen tests with me, and I tested myself every other day, regardless of how I felt, while I was there.) Next day, we went for PCR, and of course, that too result was “positive.” Needless to say, my return home got delayed!

I may be wrong. But in my memory, I have NEVER gotten sick in ANY of my trips to Israel, any worse than common diarrhea (which, as you know, is not uncommon when traveling to certain foreign countries). HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS??? I know you don’t know me or have ever examined me. But this was TOTALLY CONSISTENT with everything that has “allegedly” been happening around us for the past 2 & 1/2 years. & This would kind of support the “transmission theory” of this virus (or whatever it is). & Remember……I have, in effect, partially, “grown up in Israel” having been exposed to just about EVERY FACET of their environments throughout the years and decades. But this time…….It was different.

Btw, this “Covid” I had was a JOKE! It was almost a DISAPPOINTMENT, if you can believe it. No “classic” Covid symptoms, whatsoever! Not even loss of appetite. By the next morning (after I initially started feeling sick), the tinnitus and “feverish” feeling (which I never measured, btw) were gone! The only thing left was a feeling of “wooziness” and easy exhaustion which lasted all of 5 days. By day 6, I felt absolutely, 100% completely normal and fine! No “long Covid” or anything! I felt as if I was never sick! Of course, I still had to stay in seclusion (as per Israeli regulations). But that’a another story. I largely attribute my “uneventful” Covid to all the things I have been doing with regard to my body-care.

But I would really be interested in your (granted, “rough”) explanation for how I managed to get exactly what “everyone else” has been getting just as as soon as I immersed myself in a social setting far more populated than what I experience here at home.

- Peter

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You can get my book and have your computer read it for you, if you'd like. I do not currently have an audio book version.

To answer your question, I will say that there are many causative factors when it comes to being around many people in close quarters. Perfumes, fragrances, smoking, and so forth, all play a role in the body's reactions, whether a person realizes it or not. Your story sounds similar to my own about my grandpa that happened to me last month. However, my symptoms were quite a bit worse than yours, but I recovered wonderfully and feel better than ever, health wise. My entire episode was caused by stress in combination with cold weather and cleaning fumes, and rapid changing of sleep schedule along with sleepless nights.

To simplify: Detoxifications occur for many people at once due to the rate and level of toxic accumulations. Weather conditions influence cellular behavior and toxin dumping and causes the end result of detoxifications to occur more quickly. Usually, detoxification will have been going on for many days, weeks, or months, and then you will experience the final phase of that cleansing by producing obvious symptoms. For example, for at least 3 months prior to my problems, I was producing a lot of tan mucus, which indicates a detoxication of the lungs.

Also consider that your experience may also be clouded by preconceived notions that have been consciously and subconsciously implanted in your mind for the preceding 2 years prior. As well, I illustrated in my latest article about how the antigen tests are very unreliable. Add these into the equation and it confuses the matter further. It is possible that, like others, it was your particular time to cleanse. Perhaps your nutrient intake buffered the outcome for you, as you intimated.

In my observations, those that do not ever cleanse are accumulating toxins. The body must clean itself every so often—every year, every 10 years, and so on. If you are not cleaning, you are accumulating. No one can totally remove themselves from all toxicity in our modern environment unless you lived away from the industrialized world with pure clean foods and air.

So, cleansing is something we should expect and 'enjoy', since we know our body is becoming stronger because of it. We should not poison or prevent detoxification from occurring. In so doing, we prevent the body from fully renewing and strengthening itself. Disease can occur if we do not let the body fully run its course. However, detoxifications must be properly nourished and guided by consuming the ideal raw foods.

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I dunno. Just, everything that happened to me just seemed to line up with everything we’ve been told all our lives about viruses. Here, my lifestyle is such that I do not come into close contact with people on a frequent basis. I lead a relatively secluded lifestyle here. So, I never got infected. Yet, when I went to Israel and was exposed to MANY TIMES my normal “human exposure”, I got sick! & Remember! I’ve been going to Israel COUNTLESS, COUNTESS times, and have been exposed to ALL KINDS of environments there over the course of my life. & With all due respect, “perfumes” NEVER “medically” affect me. I've dated lots of women in my time. I would have been sick many times over!!!

At the time, for traveling to Israel, there was a 3 day, “negative PCR” test requirement just to get on the plane! But, to be extra cautious, I tested myself every other day in Israel for 3 weeks, regardless of how I actually felt, and for nearly 3 weeks, every single time, it turned up “negative.” Then, the night I felt sick……BAMMO!!!…..”Positive” (and yes, I tried 2 or 3 times)! & The next day, the PCR confirmed that. Then, it stayed positive, even after I felt fine (as I was told that I would still test “positive” for several days after I “fully recovered”). But it did, eventually go back to “negative.” So, SOMETHING in my nasal passages changed! & Of course, in addition to the people by whom I was "personally" surrounded, I also went to plenty of public places and particularly, public transportation, which I RARELY, RARELY, EVER do here.

So, you are saying that I did NOT (in fact) have this thing called, “Covid-19.” All I had (and whatever “everyone else” is having or has had to one degree or another) is simply a “severe” case of bodily detoxification. Is that basically your message?

- Peter

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Water doesn't 'dissolve' oil in the presence of a detergent (soap), but rather creates an emulsion.

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Do you have an opinion about the role of cilium in virus/cell infection? I always imagined cilium as being like the hairs on our arms sensing the surrounding temperature etc. And reasoned that this might be happening on a microscopic level (i.e. sensing information and responding accordingly). Would love your thoughts.

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