A good example of fear mongering success ,due to socoiety having grown ignorant of its own history, was the salmonella "panic" in the UK in the 80`s .The government woman minster for health, named Currie ,became the driving force behind getting folk to regard eggs eaten raw as a cause of severe if not fatal illnesses due to salmonella bacteria .Laying hens culled in thousands ,farms quarantined -many later sued the government for her remarks - and to this day ,there remains in this country ,a strong taboo about eating uncooked eggs .

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It's incredible, isn't it? I've been eating raw eggs for nearly two decades. I began raw eggs years before I even tried anything else. It is a staple in my diet each and every day—always two a day, or many more when I am feeling unwell, which is now very rare. But, years ago it was not uncommon for me to eat up to 6 raw eggs per day or more when detoxifiying. I still do that, but it is now more rare that I need to. I've eaten raw eggs of all kinds—from nearly every major super market, to local farms, to individuals with a few chickens in their yard. Thousands of raw eggs over nearly 20 years—never sick once.

Raw eggs have been shown to contain specific cancer inhabiting enzymes that prevent cancer from progressing in cells. Could this be why such foods are attacked and demonized in our modern day? I absolutely believe so.

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Jeff ,that`s so encouraging to learn and whilst not wishing to cavil , I feel the need to ask ,what approach ought be given to those in a similar position to myself ( Immunosuppressed, solid organ -transplant ) who may like also to use this excellent source of protein etc.?

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Ted, I’d suggest experimenting with adding raw eggs into your diet to understand their effects firsthand. This is something only you can learn by experience. Personally, I start my day with a raw egg smoothie every morning, which keeps me full for up to six hours. But this is a smoothie with a combination of raw honey, raw eggs, and raw milk. When raw milk, raw eggs, and raw honey are mixed or blended together, their digestion is slowed by the balanced presence of fats, proteins, and sugars.

On their own, raw eggs digest quickly—in about 30 minutes. Each combination has its purpose; each is a tool in your arsenal toward health. For example, if someone wants to support and heal the digestive tract, they would eat raw eggs alone (in a “Rocky” style), which also aids in detoxification from colds, flus, or general cleansing. Additionally, raw eggs eaten alone benefit the lungs, as the raw protein enables the production of strong mucus that binds effectively to toxins. Also, those who have egg allergies have no such allergies with raw eggs. The same is true for raw milk as opposed to pasteurized milk. These are completely different foods in their raw form—the sugars, fats, enzymes and proteins are entirely different in their raw state.

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Jeff, Thanks ,

May I ask,meanwhile, how ought we to regard eggs that are not "free- range" type eggs but "factory- farm" type eggs?

.Unfortunately , many folk are constrained from purchasing the former type due to their limited finances?

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I typically stick to regular store-bought eggs, as farm-raised ones are rarely available where I live. However, high-quality eggs have become widely accessible in grocery stores, including some that are free-range—though they come at an absurd price. Actually, I often find that I favor these over basic 'free-range' eggs, as they tend to offer superior taste and appearance.

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It's funny that the idea of raw milk being legal is even a question. In all states you can go buy cigarettes and alcohol no problem. In some states you can buy marijuana and magic mushrooms. Everything is upside down. I read peoples comments and they same the things you mentioned like unpasteurized milk is harmful and that the bacteria will kill you etc. If anything raw milk is safer. In my experience the raw milk I get the animals are treated really well. They are on pasture and get fresh grass and above all that they get no medications no antibiotics no hormones and no vaccines. That can't be said for the animals in factory farms that have to pasteurize the milk because it's toxic from all the medications and from the animals unnatural diets. I usually ferment my milk for at least 7 days before I drink it and I have never gotten ill from it. I let it get really moldy sometimes.I have never gotten sick I always gained health. People need to gain first hand experience on a topic before they make ignorant claims. Peace.

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I’m fully aligned with your points. Also, worth noting, is that RFK’s stance on removing fluoride from drinking water is facing fierce opposition from people claiming it’ll lead to a spike in cavities—yet the reality couldn’t be further from that. I’ve personally been using fluoride-free toothpaste for over 14 years and haven’t had a single cavity develop. Fluoride is a recognized and dangerous neurotoxin and it's time we hold these manufacturers and corporations responsible for such dangerous levels of these substances in our food supply.

The same questionable science that promotes fluoride also insists there are more than two genders, leaning on skewed studies crafted to justify these ideas. This is why people develop reactionary views and swing hard to the opposite side, fueling a growing distrust in science as a whole, which is unfortunate. There are factions that infiltrate every sector, and we need to recognize that rather than painting everything with a broad brush. Balance and genuine understanding are so important.

Raw milk is far safer in its natural form, but dairies can’t profit from it because it 'spoils' faster. They also face liability issues, since people may (falsely) complain about raw milk causing illness. And yet, raw milk is highly nourishing because it retains the natural raw fats that support feed and nourish cells, lubricating their tissues in the process.

I drink raw, fermented milk regularly, even when it’s ‘spoiled,’ and it never goes bad the way pasteurized milk does. Instead, it ferments into yogurt and then cheese, thanks to the natural balance of bacteria that allow it to safely transform. Raw milk also contains the enzyme lactase, which aids in the digestion of lactose—a benefit that’s lost in pasteurized milk, making it harder for many people to digest. Ultra-pasteurization, which heats milk to 300°F or higher, cauterizing and destroying all bioavailable nutrients and enzymes, reducing milk to little more than “white water.” As a result, the healthy fats, proteins, and digestive enzymes are completely destroyed at that level of heat.

I don’t discard fermenting milk unless I really can’t stand the taste any longer. When it gets a bit too sour, I add raw honey to mask the flavor, or even let it ferment further outside the fridge with honey to create a kefir that has a bubbly, champagne-like tang to the tongue. The bacteria that develop in the presence of honey cultivate a milder, more pleasant flavor, packed with trillions of gut-supporting bacteria. The critics have zero firsthand experience and simply parrot talking points as “armchair experts” against their own well-being. How do I know that they have no experience? Because raw milk is hard to obtain presently. As such, very few people actively drink it as you and I do. That is one way I know these people are full of shit and are parroting talking points they hear from someone else with zero experience of their own. This is a food that has been consumed by humans for thousands of years without issue. Modern man is highly stupid in many regards.

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One thing I can say about RFK Jr at least he is bringing attention on a bigger scale to all the chemicals and toxins that are in our food and it would be great if he was able to get fluoride out of the drinking water. It's wild to think that people think we need a chemical like fluoride to protect our teeth. When I think of health I always look at what the so called primitive people did/ate. I am sure you heard of Weston Price who when around the world and went to the tribal people all around the globe and he found they lived a vastly different life to the modern people in the 1930's. None of them had teeth problems. They had wide dental arches. Straight teeth and they never brushed. Nutrition and physical degeneration is a really good book and people should read it to understand that the problems that plague modern peoples are not normal. Peace.

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Absolutely agree.

Thanks Jeff.

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Regarding the recent COVID vaccination exercise.

Could I ask you please to give your thoughts as to what might have been the fundamental aim of its perpetrators ? What sort of "value " may they still find it holds for them?

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Well, as I wrote about before, I believe it was, in large part, a move to increase uptake of vaccination due to a reluctance in the population to get vaccinated, which became apparant during the so-called measles outbreak of 2019, and to institute a new model going forward for vaccine development.

Was the entire event contrived? I don't believe that either. I wrote a few years ago that they took a naturally occuring event and exploited it to institute the model I reference above, for good or bad.

This served as a multi-facted response to various factors, in order to disguise negative changes in pollution and climate, here in the US and abroad. Eventually, they will attempt to use mRNA to somehow circumvent the deleterious bioeffects of pollution in our air, food, and water.

Other factors depend on an industry mainly driven by power and greed and maintaining dependants.

The fact remains is that none of us know exactly what took place. All we know is what proceeded from the event. There was, I believe, a large trickle down effect from the moment a virus was identified and blamed solely for illness.

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Yes, RFK Jr will be attacked, just as he has been attacked censored and smeared for the last 18 months. I know people who didn't even know he was running for POTUS up until August when he suspended his campaign. I follow cycles in time and astrology, at this time in our lives the planets are in the same position as when the Roman Empire fell, and again the powers that want to be will fail as well. We will have a fight for the next two years but by 2027 all of our lives will be so much better. GO NOT COMPLY and stay POSITIVE!

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