Publication in Néosanté Health Magazine (Néosanté, Belgian Journal of Global Health)
Written by Jeff Green - 06/1/2023
NéoSanté Editions — NéoSanté Editions ( Néosanté, Belgian Journal of Global Health
I have been featured in the Belgian Journal of Global Health where a wonderful article about my work was done by writer Catherine Courson.
Néosanté editorial written by Yves RASIR
“Finally, do viruses exist or not? If you have been a Neosanté subscriber for a long time, you must probably ask yourself the question, since we ask it too. In its early days, our monthly leaned towards the existence of viruses because that was also the opinion of Dr. Hamer, the designer of this “New Medicine” of which we are the fervent defenders. When the German doctor changed his mind on discovering the iconoclastic work of the virologist Stefan Lanka, we gave them credit and we in turn put into question the viral dogma. Through several files, we have shown that the virological doxa was not solid and that one could legitimately question its foundations. In February 2021, in particular, we gave the floor to dissenting scientists arguing that viruses are in truth exosomes, i.e. vesicles of the same size and the same appearance that act as garbage collectors for the cells. A few months later, we initiated the translation and publication of the book "Virus Mania", a collective work whose authors have in common to refute the very reality of viruses since science is incapable of isolating and to purify them as she manages to do it for the bacteria.
While sparking debate, however, we were careful not to take sides. We have neither the competence nor the pretension. What interests us is to show that there is no consensus on the existence of ‘virus’ and that people savvy in microbiology demand in vain proof of their material reality. That says a lot about the fragility of the pillars on which the Pasteurian ideology rests. But for twelve years, we have felt that the controversy is basically of little importance. Whether they exist or not, viruses are not the cause of illnesses attributed to them! The question of their existence is secondary since they are in any case devoid of pathogenicity. Like other micro-organisms, they are not there to harm humans and are, more, the reflections of its ground. Despite their differences, natural medicine players can agree on the fact that viral particles have no causal role in the onset of so-called infectious diseases. By example, the American retrovirologist Peter Duesberg does not dispute the existence of HIV but he has not found any involvement in AIDS, this syndrome being for him clearly linked to behaviors and addictions depressing immunity. One can both “believe in viruses” and radically reject their guilt. To be tenable, this halfway position, however, requires that the true function of the false culprit be clarified.
And this is where Jeff Green comes in, whom our collaborator Catherine Courson introduced me to and whose fascinating theory she easily convinced me to present. Unlike an Andrew Kaufmann or a Thomas Cowan, this young American researcher resolutely adheres to the thesis of viral existence. For him, the formal absence of isolation in no way proves that viruses are a fiction. Just as gold is never completely pure but is indeed a metallic element, a virus cannot be [totally] isolated from the bodily fluids of its host but is nevertheless a specific entity, distinct from exosomes. While their mission is to evacuate waste cells, the viral agent would be responsible for dissolving the poisons accumulated in the body. Like gastric or pancreatic juices, it would be a powerful solvent enzyme capable of corroding and annihilating foreign substances, in this case, toxic compounds such as heavy metals. According to this revolutionary view, the process is entirely orchestrated by the cell in order to allow it to survive, which implies in passing that the viruses are neither exogenous nor contagious, although probably transmissible by resonance effect. In any case, their primary role is to detoxify tissues and not to attack individuals. The allopathic mistake is all the more tragic as drugs and vaccines increase the need for viral cleansing, as dramatically demonstrated by the failure of Covid vaccination. By discovering the vision of Jeff Green (we are the first media in the world to talk about him!), you will certainly be won over, like me, by his luminous logic: everything sheds light on the tricks of life called viruses!”
Excerpt from article:
“Jeff Green's perspective is based on observation of the reality of human experience, supported by countless studies over the decades. Whether or not it is consecrated by the authorities of the moment, it is no less plausible and a coherent working hypothesis that can be explored, both scientifically and in our personal lives, by considering that "everything happens as if...". Everything happens as if viruses were the most efficient solvents designed by nature to dissolve toxic substances (especially tissue containing metals) lodged in the depths of our organisms: an observation that should put a stop to the vaccine madness. By entering the heart of virology without preconceived ideas, we have every chance of being surprised by the wisdom of living things, and of recognizing the tragic existential deception represented by the invention of vaccines and the major pollution caused by their diffusion in bodies and minds.”
You can read the full English version of the article here:
Thank you to Catherine Courson for her beautiful writing, and for reaching out to me. I am hopeful that this will bring more attention to the true nature and causes of disease and that it will begin to bring about new horizons in people’s perceptions of them.
Jeff Green
Great article. Congratulations on getting your work out there