> Can Massey prove that all viruses do not exist?

No, and she also cannot prove that all Unicorns, Jackalopes, and Sasquatch do not exist.

No science or logic or observational study can prove the non-existence of something which has never been seen.

But this is something all of you virus pushers constantly engage in, is the "Shifting the Burden of Proof" fallacy. The burden of proof is on YOU to show that these particles a) exist, and b) are pathogenic.

Neither of these have you accomplished here.

(Let's recall the definition of a virus is, “A small parasite consisting of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed in a protein coat that can replicate only in a susceptible host cell.”)

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The 'adenovirus' picture shows some icosahedral forms. 'Tobacco mosaic virus' pictures show some rod like structures with hollow cavities.

Neither has been shown to transmit between hosts or to be pathogenic.

Correlation is not causation.

They may well be part of the disease detoxification and healing process.

Why didn't the SARS2 virus gather in a density gradient band for a similar picture to be produced?


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I'm getting the impression that Jeff has misunderstood something re the "no virus" people / virus skeptics.

When we say that the specific particles called "viruses" have not even been shown to exist, we are not simply saying that the tiny particles in EM images don't exist.

We are told stories of "viruses" that allegedly have specific known properties. For example SARS-COV-2 is said to have a specific alleged genome (of which there are now millions and millions of variations uploaded) surrounded by a shell with a specific "spike" protein. That specific particle has not been shown to exist (the in silico "genomes" are all meaningless and fabricated, and have never been shown to exist in the physical realm), and the alleged spike protein has not been shown to come from the particles that are pointed at and labelled "SARS-COV-2".

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Please tell us if you know, can, and/or will what convinces you that the physicians in the original two papers reporting a novel coronavirus (n-CoV-19 later renamed as SARS-CoV-2) have carried out the proper investigations for the cause of admission of the patients complaining of respiratory symptoms.

I am referring to https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2012-7 and,


Waiting for a response since July 19th.

Thank you.

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if you're wondering what this virus debate is all about, on a really basic level, i'm doing my best to describe it in very simple language for the average person here: https://dawnfrench.substack.com/

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"Do note that isolation of particles the size of viruses must naturally allow for a very small percentage of minute debris in the purified sample."

As a layperson who can't understand most of the technical minutiae, I find that Mike Stone's article & argument "Just One Particle" goes a long way to refute what I think is mainstream virology and its claim that viruses are "too small" to find them without going through the elaborate procedures they do.


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Jeff, your questions could be better directed to the multiplicity of 'authorities' institutions, international and national entities that clearly and tacitly state they have not identified SARS CoV-2 "virus."

Exhaustive FOIs to such entities seen at: https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com

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