Jun 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Green

Why is it so hard to believe that exosomes, viruses, and cellular debris (whether due to apoptosis or toxin-induced destruction) are all completely different entities with their own specific functions within the body?! We have fingers, hands, arms, legs, eyes, ears, etc. all of which together can help each other yet still have each their own more specific functions and cannot fully replace each other...

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Thanks Geoff, a very good piece on a topic that has fascinated me in the last 18 months. I will have to read more from your stack to understand where your opinion lies with regard to dangers posed by viruses so pardon my ignorance. I just feel that whether they exist or not is an irrelevance to me personally, however interesting the debate is,as surely the only important thing is that you ensure your body is in top shape both mentally and physically and then you have nothing to bother worrying about.

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